We have new reports and ability for requests for custom reports using HTML, CSS, SQL and data exported for your Excel templates. Our newest reports included in Easy Billing Pro 3.0 is for Aged Charge Line detail for one or all patients. Call for a demo today! 800.618.6136
Marla Acton We have added join.me as our newest way to do one on one training and also group webinar training. Please let us know if you have a preference for your individual or group training.
Thank you, Marla Acton Timely filing and losing claims into the ever increasing black hole is the reason to be sure your claim are being sent without errors. Easy Billing Professional has error checks for the common reasons for an invalid claim. We will show you how many errors you have in a claim and what they are so you can fix them before they are printed or sent electronically.
Save the date: June 20 1PM EST IMS PRO demo with Brent Stane. We work with IMS Pro a unique clearing house that has the ability to look at claim errors on a claim level, instead of rejecting an entire file for an error in one claim they will reject just the one claim. Seeing a demo of how the submission process works with them is well worth the time. Next Thursday June 20th Brent Stane from IMS Pro will show you how they handle claims to ensure the greatest acceptance of claims submitted through their software portal "XClaims". Join us at 1PM EST to learn how the process works. They also offer through Easy Billing Professional the ability for real-time claim edits, proof of timely filing letters, appeal letters, real-time eligibility checks, real-time NPI searches, claim scrubbing for Medicare Review, CCI and E/M Coding edits, drill down reports, electronic patient statements, collections and stellar CUSTOMER SERVICE. If you do not use Easy Billing Professional currently, send us an email or call 800.618.6136 and we will forward the meeting link for this demo. Marla Acton Here are a few of the ways we have made medical billing claims processing and practice management easy. Do you have these features in your current software? If you are using Easy Billing Professional are you utilizing these features? Do you have suggestions we could include in our future versions, we would love to hear about them.
Marla Crowley Easy Billing Professional now has capability for 12 ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes by Marla Crowley5/14/2013 The time for ICD-10 implementation is getting closer. Easy Billing Professional vs 0.93.14b available now has the ability for both ICD-9 and ICD-10. When the new CMS 1500 form is released Easy Billing Professional will be ready to implement the ICD-10 Code process directly into the form and already in the 5010 protocol for electronic submission. The number of diagnosis pointers will remain the same. Currently, it is possible to point up to four diagnosis codes out of a new maximum of 12 for each procedure code. Main recent changes in diagnosis pointers included going from one field, where pointers were entered with dahes, spaces, and commas in between, to being entered in four separate fields. Once the new CMS 1500 form is implemented into Easy Billing Professional users will be given a set period of time to send the old CMS form to the carriers but after the deadline date, currently planned for October 2013 users will not be able to send the old CMS form. If you have any questions or would like to see a free demo and see how Easy Billing Professional is going to be not only be compatible with ICD-9 and ICD-10 plus the old CMS 1500 for and the new CMS 1500 form. Easy Billing has always promised to stay current, and proactively adhere to the changes in the medical billing industry. Let us demonstrate just how easy and efficient we have made it for you. please call 800.618.6136 Marla Acton Are you backing up correctly? Today, more than ever before, you need to protect yourself from ever needing disaster recovery because of your incomplete or non-existent back up procedures. If you do not have a simple way to recover your medical billing data then your data is NOT safe. Easy Billing Users should: 1. Back up medical billing software program and data to at least three separate HIPPA compliant locations (i.e varying hard drives, jump drives, etc). 2. Disable automatic virus scans, software updates and any other processes that can prompt a computer shut-down or restart. 3. Make certain they understand back-up procedures by watching a back up training video here* and/or call 800.618.6136 for assistance. *Call if you have no received a password to access video* There are several ways Easy Billing users can insure easy data retrieval. Easy Billing Professional, medical billing software, has made this process almost seamless for clients by adding a simple data back up process in the Preferences menu on the Maintenance tab. Another option is to back up the entire Easy Billing Professional program folder. Users are immediately able to see the date of their last back up on the Easy Billing Welcome Screen. Users are advised and encouraged to rotate their back up protocol so that they have at least three HIPAA compliant copies of backups. In a server environment with FileMake Pro Server, backing up is set up with a schedule.
Easy Billling users must make sure their computers are not downloading virus definitions automatically, updating automatically or doing anything that will automatically restart a computer. This could result in damage to not only Easy Billing but to other software when opened during this process. Disaster Recovery is the result of improper backing up and is not included in Easy Billing Professional annual support. Disaster recovery can be expensive especially if third party specialists are needed. Additionally, users run the risk of wasting valuable time re-entering patients and claims from an outdated previous back up. Easy Billing medical billing software is here to help your organization be proactive and safeguard your data, please call if you would like training on backing up. Also visit www.easybillingsoftware.com Training menu to watch a video tutorial on backing up. If you are an Easy Billing Professional or pre Easy Billing Professional user and are not sure if you are backing up correctly, please give us a call and we are happy to guide you through your medical billing software back up process. 800.618.8136 Marla Acton Easy Billing Professional has error capturing at the claim level to reduce claim errors when sending claims electronically or printing the CMS 1500 form. Errors are shown in red at the Verify screen to let you know what errors need to be addressed. Clicking on the (red) error tab allows you to see the error, highlighted in yellow.
The errors captured indicate a lack of information and/or conflict with carrier requirements. Examples of reasons for error: the claim missing NPI numbers, Rendering Providers, Billing Provider Information, Facility Information, a Patient Name, Date of Birth, Carrier Name, Diagnosis Code, at least one Procedure Code etc. The ability to see these errors easily and clearly makes billing efficient, saves valuable time, increases claim success rate and therefore effects the bottom line. Marla Acton "...The staff at Easy Billing and Marla Crowley offer continuous personalized service that reflect genuine interest toward our concerns. The combination of outstanding product along with their superior service ensures our confidence and business with Easy Billing for a very long time." The value of training cannot be underestimated. Easy Billing emphasizes an accessible training process in different formats for added convenience to all users of Easy Billing Professional. Easy Billing, Inc. is now pleased to announce a new video archives page which includes weekly group training sessions. Easy Billing Pro users can now review trainings or watch missed sessions on their own time. Users should call or submit a request for a page password. To access click here or visit www.easybillingsoftware.com, hover over the Training tab and go to Training Video Archives. Videos are organized by date, with the latest sessions posted at the top of the list and users can choose to watch specific topics. Training videos will be continually updated to offer users the utmost convenience and flexibility for watching missed training sessions. Check back often to see newly published videos. Easy Billing makes training Easy for new users: Once the software is purchasesd, initial set up is included with the program and new users are hand-held through the process to ensure that the program starts in optimal conditions. Once set up is compete, users can receive additional training through individual training appointments, and group web trainings in a variety of topics, which are offered twice weekly. Video tutorials and step by step PDF instructions are available on the website for all areas of the program. Marla Acton
We sat down to think about our customers and to create not just a new website but a positive online experience for current and future Easy Billing Pro users. We think of it as a platform where we can share a constant stream of information. We want our customers to know that we are close by, communicating with them as we monitor industry changes that also affect their offices, labs, and even the software itself.
We are proudly taking advantage of new tools available to make our site an interactive, one-stop information and communication center. So come back often..and always let us know how we can do it better. Marla Acton |
Marla CrowleyEasy Billing, Inc. was founded in 1994 by Marla Crowley, who, after ten years of billing experience, realized the need for a medical billing system that was easy to learn, efficient to use, and affordable. ArchivesCategories
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