We have new reports and ability for requests for custom reports using HTML, CSS, SQL and data exported for your Excel templates. Our newest reports included in Easy Billing Pro 3.0 is for Aged Charge Line detail for one or all patients. Call for a demo today! 800.618.6136
Marla Acton Timely filing and losing claims into the ever increasing black hole is the reason to be sure your claim are being sent without errors. Easy Billing Professional has error checks for the common reasons for an invalid claim. We will show you how many errors you have in a claim and what they are so you can fix them before they are printed or sent electronically.
Save the date: June 20 1PM EST IMS PRO demo with Brent Stane. We work with IMS Pro a unique clearing house that has the ability to look at claim errors on a claim level, instead of rejecting an entire file for an error in one claim they will reject just the one claim. Seeing a demo of how the submission process works with them is well worth the time. Next Thursday June 20th Brent Stane from IMS Pro will show you how they handle claims to ensure the greatest acceptance of claims submitted through their software portal "XClaims". Join us at 1PM EST to learn how the process works. They also offer through Easy Billing Professional the ability for real-time claim edits, proof of timely filing letters, appeal letters, real-time eligibility checks, real-time NPI searches, claim scrubbing for Medicare Review, CCI and E/M Coding edits, drill down reports, electronic patient statements, collections and stellar CUSTOMER SERVICE. If you do not use Easy Billing Professional currently, send us an email or call 800.618.6136 and we will forward the meeting link for this demo. Marla Acton Here are a few of the ways we have made medical billing claims processing and practice management easy. Do you have these features in your current software? If you are using Easy Billing Professional are you utilizing these features? Do you have suggestions we could include in our future versions, we would love to hear about them.
Marla Crowley Easy Billing Professional has error capturing at the claim level to reduce claim errors when sending claims electronically or printing the CMS 1500 form. Errors are shown in red at the Verify screen to let you know what errors need to be addressed. Clicking on the (red) error tab allows you to see the error, highlighted in yellow.
The errors captured indicate a lack of information and/or conflict with carrier requirements. Examples of reasons for error: the claim missing NPI numbers, Rendering Providers, Billing Provider Information, Facility Information, a Patient Name, Date of Birth, Carrier Name, Diagnosis Code, at least one Procedure Code etc. The ability to see these errors easily and clearly makes billing efficient, saves valuable time, increases claim success rate and therefore effects the bottom line. Marla Acton It's all in the name...Easy Billing Professional makes creating claims easy. From the user friendly "claim creation screens", to templates and a verify process that is sure to increase your claim success rate, Easy Billing Professional medical billing software promises to live up to its name. Easy Billing Professional has saved us an enormous amount of time in entering multiple services with the Template feature. Multiple laboratory entries can now be entered with one single click. The time saved with the Template feature alone has the program standing above all other competitors... Claim Creation Sreens Start by entering the "claim creation screens" where you will click through a few simple tabs to complete your claim. Most of the information will automatically default from the patient account and other defaults you've previously set. You can even bring in DX codes from a previous claim! Your job will be to make sure the information is correct and no changes are necessary. You can update information directly in the fields or chose from the drop-down menus. Charges When you get to the Charges tab, easily bring in individual charge lines for different dates of service or... Bring in a Template You can bring in a previously created template for faster CPT code entry. Most offices will group at least two codes in a template to make entry much easier. This Easy Billing Template feature allows for up to 49 charge lines, DX pointers, units and pricing categories. Once created, templates can then be used for ANY patient or claim. Need an additional code(s) in your already created template? No problem. Just bring in your existing template, add an individual charge line with the additional code(s) and create a new template that will now include all codes. You can then keep both templates or delete the original. Helpful and Related Links
Claims Tutorials (Videos and PDF) Creating Procedure Code Templates (PDF) Entering New Claims Instructions (PDF) Marla Acton @ Easy Billing, Inc. |
Marla CrowleyEasy Billing, Inc. was founded in 1994 by Marla Crowley, who, after ten years of billing experience, realized the need for a medical billing system that was easy to learn, efficient to use, and affordable. ArchivesCategories
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